VOTE in the Season 3 Gauges! Earn OP rewards ✔

Stake MODE or BPT (80/20 MODE/ETH LP) and direct incentives to eligible protocols!

Stakers who vote earn OP rewards each epoch.


:rotating_light: For new voters: Staking Deadline is 23:59:59 UTC the day before the voting period to allow enough time to warm up to vote

Dont have MODE or BPT?

Get both MODE and BPT in one transaction using Web3Packs :school_satchel:


Good job guys. This project i loved.


Nice wotk, I will participate… thanks


Mode Build with OP Super chain . Future bright


Can´t wait for the voting to go live so we can test this thing! :smiley:

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lets go…mode to the moon

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Love to see it, go Mode!

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I’ll be more active, let’s go Mode!

where do we vote? I dont get it…

How to vote? Still trying to navigate

Always follow this project

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This is lovely. I am happy to belong

:grinning: :ok_hand: :+1: Where can we vote?

how can i vote fellas?

Thank you very much for the proposals

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I missed the 1st vote because I didn’t get it. But now I have invested massively and I am all in, I really like the MODE project.

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