BSquared Network Eligibility for Protocol Incentives

Protocol/Project Name:

Provide the full name of your protocol or project.

  • [ BSquared Network ]

Protocol Overview:

A brief overview of your protocol, including its main goals, key features, and target audience.

  • [ B² Network is a modular Bitcoin Layer2 solution. It introduces B² Rollup, the first Bitcoin rollup based on verification commitment, and B² Hub, the first Bitcoin Data Availability (DA) layer that achieves finality on the Bitcoin network. ]

MS Receiver Address:

Specify the MS (multisig) receiver addresses where, if voted to receive, the token incentives should be sent. This address will be used for the distribution of incentives.

*NOTE: Must have the same MS address on Mode and Optimism (for Merkl purposes). How-To Guide: Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.

  • [ :pencil2: Mode: 0x7Bc5B89489774088f2B9f21446A24C95e31b4DD1 , Optimism: 0x7Bc5B89489774088f2B9f21446A24C95e31b4DD1 (addresses should be the same)]

Distribution Confirmation:
100% of incentives must be distributed to protocol users

Merkl should be set up using the same MS listed above for incentive distribution ( Please contact Merkl for assistance if needed (TG: @baptistg)

Confirmation Statement- “We confirm that we will use Merkl to distribute the incentives received.”

  • [ We confirm that we will use Merkl to distribute the incentives received. ]

Other Distribution Channels: If you plan to distribute incentives via channels other than Merkl, please provide reasoning or justification and a detailed description of the planned mechanism of distribution and transparent tracking of metrics. $OP incentives distributed via channels other than Merkl need to target assets on Mode and must be claimable/distributed on Optimism Mainnet. $OP cannot be sold and then distributed (Collective Grant Policies - Governance Fund Missions 🏹 - Optimism Collective).

  • [ :pencil2: Response ]

Incentive Impact Statement:

Provide a brief statement on how you believe the token incentives from Season III will bolster user adoption for your protocol. Include potential impacts on user growth, engagement, and long-term sustainability.

  • [ We are planning to bring BTC assets and users from BSquared to the Mode ecosystem with the help of the incentive. This works for the cooperation between BSqaured and Aptos, as well as BSqaured and Core. click here for reference:]

Eligibility Criteria:

Please provide a link to your protocol, confirming its active deployment on Mode Mainnet. If you’re solely an asset provider, provide a verified contract address to your asset on Mode. You’ll be able to incentivize the asset on supported dApps on Merkl.

Link to .svg file for your logo

Additional Information (Encouraged):

Roadmap: Briefly outline any upcoming milestones or features that could benefit from additional user adoption.

Contact Information:

Provide contact details for further discussions, such as an email address, Telegram handle, or Discord username.

  • [, tg:@Squid1024 ]

Questions for the Mode Team or Community (Optional):

Please reach out in Discord for specific questions or feedback you’re seeking from the Mode team or community to help refine your participation in Season 3.

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B2 can introduce exciting new BTC assets to Mode. Looking forward to working with them in the long term!