Season III FAQ

Q: How will protocols receive and distribute incentives?

A: Protocols should have a multisig (MS) set up on Optimism and Mode. $OP will be sent directly to the OP MS. $MODE will be sent directly to the Mode MS. Protocols should set up Merkl campaigns on the respective chains (Mode and OP) but target pools on Mode for incentives.

Please contact Merkl for assistance (TG: @baptistg)

Q: Do we have to use Merkl to distribute?

A: Merkl is preferred. However, if you have other methods of distribution in mind, please provide reasoning or justification and a detailed description of the planned mechanism of distribution and transparent tracking of metrics.

Q: Will the $OP earned from staking veTokens and voting be sent to me?

A: No, $OP earned from staking and voting must be claimed. Rewards will be available after each voting epoch to check the staking balance and if the staker voted in the prior epoch.

Q: I staked veTokens. Do I need to vote to earn $OP?

A: Yes. You will be eligible to claim rewards for each voting epoch you voted in. If you did not vote in an epoch, you will be unable to claim $OP allocated for that epoch.

Q: What is the relationship between the amount of votes we receive and the amount of incentives we would receive?

A: The amount of incentives received will be proportional to the amount of votes received.

Q: Will we know the exact amount of incentives we have to distribute? (eg. 100,000 MODE and 1000 OP every week)

A: You’ll know an exact amount after each epoch (every 2 weeks) based on the votes you have received.

Q: Would we receive these as weekly sums, monthly, etc.?

A: Incentives will be sent in sums after each voting epoch (2 weeks).

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