Sturdy FInance Season III Eligibility for Protocol Incentives

Protocol/Project Name:

  • Sturdy

Protocol Overview:

Sturdy is a modular lending protocol that enables anyone to create a liquid money market for any token in hours. Sturdy isolates risk between pools without creating liquidity fragmentation by employing a novel two-tier architecture.

Sturdy’s base layer consists of isolated lending pairs, each consisting of a single lending asset and a single collateral asset. Pairs are immutable, permissionless to create, and isolate risk. Built on top are aggregators, each of which has whitelisted pairs from the base layer.

Aggregators use Sturdy’s Bittensor subnet to determine allocation among whitelisted pairs to keep silos liquid and yield high. Users deposit to aggregators that fit their risk/reward profile, so they control which assets they’re exposed to without liquidity fragmentation

MS Receiver Address:

Mode: 0xa0Ab8e6a7fE4718a7Dffa6F64bdd0bfc5031EE6b
Optimism: 0xa0Ab8e6a7fE4718a7Dffa6F64bdd0bfc5031EE6b

Distribution Confirmation:

We confirm that we will use Merkl to distribute the incentives received.

Incentive Impact Statement:

Sturdy will use Season 3 incentives to incentivize lending across aggregators on Mode and Optimism. Sturdy aggregators provide liquidity to siloes, facilitating the use of various products as collateral and enabling users to leverage the yields from products within the network including ezETH from Renzo, STONE from Stakestone, weETH from Etherfi, and MODE

By rewarding lenders and enabling borrowers to leverage yield-bearing assets, Sturdy can continuously retain and attract high-value users for the network.

Eligibility Criteria:


Additional Information:


Sturdy is constantly adding new collateral assets to expand borrowers’ yield opportunities and maintain demand for lenders. Sturdy’s subnet is being integrated into more aggregators across Sturdy to provide AI-optimized yield for users.


Sturdy constantly partners with projects across DeFi, with integrations featuring EtherFi, StakeStone, and Renzo currently live on Mode. Sturdy makes it easy for teams to bootstrap liquidity for their tokens while isolating risk between pools.

Community Engagement:

We will run Twitter campaigns, co-marketed by partnered protocols, attend Mode AMAs and educate users about the benefits of AI-optimized yields

Contact Information:

TG: @funkyculley